Heart Led Health by Coach Donna

Wednesday / September 28 / 2011

[Guest Post] What question keeps YOU up at night?

Today’s guest post comes to us from world renowned speaker, New York Times bestselling author, and (best of all) personal friend, Tommy Spaulding. Tommy is a huge movie buff, can study world maps for hours, and loves all things Yankees. His book, “It’s Not Just Who You Know” challenges you to transform your life by building genuine relationships.
—————————— Read the full story…

Thursday / September 22 / 2011

The journey of depression through vulnerability and rain

Rainbow after a South Carolina storm, as seen from my parent’s kitchen window (look closely… it’s actually a double-rainbow)

Depression doesn’t mix well with rain. To me, rainy days are like depressed days, vulnerable and crying. Whether you’re a depression sufferer or not, rainy days tend to be… well, depressing. Read the full story…

Thursday / September 08 / 2011

Get emotionally NAKED: embrace your self-discovery journey

A few days ago, my cousin got emotionally naked by proclaiming on her Facebook wall, “…is beginning to realize she can’t please everyone and it’s time to start living her life for herself – not for everyone else.” Read the full story…

Monday / September 05 / 2011

Dealing with depression: a personal story

News of social media guru Trey Pennington’s suicide spread rampantly across social media channels last night, forcing me – and thousands of others – to look squarely at dealing with depression. And for me, it’s personal…

I Have Depression, Too. Read the full story…