Heart Led Health by Coach Donna

Sunday / May 29 / 2011

Sweet pea in the pool: I have so much to learn from my 9-month old grandson

Splish-splashing with wild abandon. There’s nothing quite like it. And no one does it better or with more enthusiasm than my nine-month-old grandson Brody. I have so much to learn from him.

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Sunday / May 15 / 2011

It’s not all denim jumpers: my sister’s homeschooling gets an “A” in my book

Let’s play word association. I say, “green” you say, “go”. I say, “puppy” you say, “love”. I say, “homeschooling” you say, “um… sheltered?” Ouch. Well, listen up. I’m about to change that dated perception.

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Wednesday / May 04 / 2011

Mission accomplished: 62 comments about how special my mom is

For my Mom’s special birthday, I set out to truly touch her heart (read: I wanted to make her cry!) A good, healthy, pure cry. You know… a cleansing cry that comes from the soul because you feel so loved and cherished. There’s no one I can think of who deserves it more. Read the full story…

Monday / May 02 / 2011

My momma is “mom” to many: like a great big hug personified

Growing up, my Mom was “Mom” to many. Still is. She’s so special, so precious, so loved. Mom has an innate knack for making you feel as though you’re the most cherished person in the world. She’s like a great big hug personified. And it’s because she cares… genuinely cares. She can’t help it. Her heart is bigger than most and I strive to have a heart half the size of hers. Mom doesn’t ask “why?”, she asks, “how can I help?” …and then she delivers. If you know her at all, you know precisely what I’m talking about. I just happen to be blessed enough to call her, “Momma”. Read the full story…

Monday / April 25 / 2011

Sexy phlegm: the plan to market my ‘sick voice’

“…thirteen, fourteen, fifteen — that’s it!?”. That’s the response I get from my cheering section when I sneeze less than 20 times in a row. Aaahh, the life of a multiple sneezer. Said life this weekend was coupled with raspy breathing and a scorched throat. Cold #57 of the season, officially underway. “Good times”, as my son Grant noted with smart sarcasm. He has a knack for making me smile no matter my condition. He also has a knack for petting my forehead when I don’t feel well and that’s the best remedy on earth. Read the full story…